Is Matthew Taylor right about universities?

The RSA’s Matthew Taylor has sparked an online debate with comments about Oxford, Cambridge and the Russell Group universities, saying that students should consider other, more creative, options.  He has subsequently clarified that he meant they should consider all options before making the leap into higher education.

I have great respect for Matthew and admire his willingness to speak his mind.  Many who have leapt on his comments (especially on Twitter) have suggested that he is ‘pulling up the ladder’ and that students taking heed of his comments will not benefit from the education that he had.

But is there a wider message in the comments (and subsequent response)?  Clearly, yes.  Higher Education is now a significant financial investment, not just the commitment of time and effort it once was.  Students cannot drift into a course and the subsequent at least £27k of debt for course fees.  It is right that they are now ‘consumers’ who have to ensure that they get good value for money.  They need to balance the benefits of the reputation of long established universities against the individual benefits of the course that they wish to study.  It is a hard choice to make at 18.  Those who have a platform to spread this message to students are right to do so.

Edited to add:  This article by Danny Dorling puts the above ideas far more eloquently and in greater content – I recommend having a read.

Disclaimer: I have worked at the RSA and benefited from a (heavily government subsidised) Russell Group education.

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